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Art InstallationBrandingIllustrationInteriorLogoMarketingMenusMuralPrintSignageTypography

Gold leaf mirror art of the crafted typography stating Beef and Liberty, by SAINT Design for Hawskmoor.
Exterior photograph of Hawksmoor Wood Wharf.
The front of a blue leather-like menu cover with a map of the Isle of Dogs as a design detail photographed on the bar top, by SAINT Design for Hawksmoor.
A variety of stationery design photographed in the restaurant, by SAINT Design for Hawksmoor.
The front of a blue postcard with a map of the Isle of Dogs as a design detail, by SAINT Design for Hawksmoor.
Photograph of the private dining room at Hawksmoor Wood Wharf showing the mirror art of a map of the Isle of Dogs at the end of the table, by SAINT Design for Hawksmoor.
Menu Cover Design for Hawksmoor Wood Wharf by SAINT Design